Cleansing the Aura

Lately, I have been asked more about aura cleansings and what is involved with cleansing a person’s aura. First I think it is of importance to understand what an aura is and understand how powerful it is. Aura is a field of electromagnetic energy that radiates from living things. Your dog, cat, pet spider, fish in their tank swimming around, all are emitting an electromagnetic energy. This energy exists outside the range of normal vision, but can be sensed or felt when that energy is negative, bad, or just not in sync with your frequency. Every day we are connecting and sensing the aura field of other people, objects and things. Even a book, clock and tree emit an aura. 

Cleansing your aura removes the dark, negative energies that linger or have clung onto your psyche. By cleansing the aura, you are allowing for a better positive flow into your personal energy field. If your aura is clouded with the negativity of others, it can prevent you from having or fulfilling your own wishes, dreams, ideals. Carrying around the negativity of others decreases your own energy field and leaves us feeling weak, helpless, even depressed and fearful. 

Your aura is a very important piece in your overall holistic health an if you have accumulated any negative or limiting energy, you will greatly benefit from a Reiki based Aura cleansing. Although as a living being it is impossible to avoid all things negative, but having an aura cleansing it a great way to release that which does not serve you and recharge your own spirit. 

The process itself is much like a Reiki treatment itself. During the session, energy work is also completed on aligning the chakras and bringing body, soul, and mind into alignment. After the cleansing, clients report feeling lighter, happier, more relaxed and an over-all sense of release. 

Aura cleansings are recommended every 3 -6 months to release the accumulation of negativity and to keep your own personal goals in alignment with your mind, soul, and body. 

Contact me today at Reikiwha@gmail.comto schedule your aura cleansing and get ready to release the past, embrace the present, and be your best, tomorrow. 


Evan J 

Usui Reiki Master