Distance Reiki

Today, as this is written, April 1, 2020 – we all find ourselves in the surreal position of learning a new normal. With schools and businesses closed, living in isolation at home and weirdly searching for a pack of toilet paper, we all adjust day by day to the unbelievable numbers globally and locally that COVID-19 has created in our lives. This is a time of anxiety and confusion; but this is also a time of self-centering and regeneration.

As we social distance from one another, it is a time to also connect via the apps, phones, and computer technology we have access to in this electronic age. It is a time to reconnect as a human being with your fellow human beings – a phone call, a video chat, a letter in the mail can be a lifeline to the ones you love. This small gesture is positive dose of goodness that gives you the spark internally to connect with humanity and does wonders for those receiving your concern.

Anxiety and stress are factors that creep into our psyche and cause us a physical reaction. Whether it is in the form of a headache, dehydration, or fatigue, it all stems from the spinning of our minds as we are either thinking of the past or worrying about the future. Anxiety is a symptom of worry and control. When we worry about what is to come, we are not focused in the moment. Right now. While reading this blog you are probably thinking of 8 different things and 7 of those things are linked to the future. When we are focused on worrying about the future, we miss out on the moment of now. We miss the details of what is happening in your world right now. Enjoying the taste of a fresh brewed cup of coffee; or cracking open that package of girl scout cookies that you were saving. It is those details we lose when we worry about the future and literally do not stop to smell the flowers.

Reiki is a practice that provides you with what you need in the moment you receive it. It is not something that is delayed, to save for a later date; it transmits the healing life force energy to where you need it – whether that is mind, body or spirit. The energy goes to where you need it to heal and release what no longer serves you. If you have physical pain, recurring thoughts or rift in your spirit, Reiki will flow to those areas to bring you peace, calm and healing. It happens during the treatment and is a step toward regaining your health and healing.

Distance Reiki is practiced via video chat with the Reiki Master to perform the treatment. I have witnessed how Reiki, pronounced ray-key, promotes overall balance—balance of the mind, body, and spirit. It is a very simple healing practice. It is a painless, non-invasive treatment that can be used in conjunction with any other medical treatment. Distance Reiki can be performed at any time and may produce highly effective results. As told to me by clients after their treatment, the reported benefits of Reiki included relaxation, less anxiety, less depression, and even pain management. In our social distancing world, these benefits can be obtained by a distance Reiki treatment.  

If you find yourself in need of centering, calming or healing – distance Reiki may be for you. Contact me today to schedule your appointment at Reikiwha@gmail.com

We are all in this together.

From the Light within,


Usui Reiki Master
